According to the statistics, nearly one out of every three people on the planet, it is the carrier of the parasite and the most frequent of the patients are children. To protect yourself and your loved ones from these pests, it is necessary not only to understand how they manifest themselves, but it is how to get rid of the pests.
Statistics on the diseases and the pest in the world
There are enough types of parasites. And, in the presence of each and every one of them can cause quite similar symptoms. If you consider the ones that are the most common, it is possible to remove all of the following characteristics:
- disruption of the intestinal (worms);
- the discomfort and pain in the region of the belly, flukes, tapeworm);
- nervous tension, lack of sleep, bouts of anxiety pinworms internet;
- the presence of the parasite in the feces (tapeworm, sometimes, the the internet;
- the attack of itch-in the area of the anus (pinworms);
- loss of appetite (pinworms);
- by increasing the sense of hunger, increase in appetite, but the weight of the body is not fully grown (the tapeworm);
- pain in the liver, and diarrhoea (the tapeworm).
Folk remedies for the prevention
Many popular doctors, who have to deal with the elimination of parasites, is recommended to eat proteins and carbohydrates separately. Meat, cheese, and vegetables, you must supplement the vegetables but not the bread or the potatoes. In addition to this, there is too much it will be and the more simple rules of cleanliness and optimal hygiene:
- the product must be thoroughly cleaned prior to drinking or cooking;
- once you have come up with on the street, you need to wash your hands thoroughly;
- fish, meat, and products must pass through a sufficient heat treatment;
- as one of the main sources of the parasites are in the animal, the better it is, the more I play with the street vendors, the dogs and cats that are in the area of health, that you can't be sure.
- man's best friend, in such cases, there are grains, they are able to cleanse the body.
However, at the same time, it should be kept in mind, that live in our gut and the "good" bacteria that help the digestive system to work normally again. So, if you do not have symptoms of the presence of the parasite, it is not worth it to continue the purification of the body, and once more to expel the intestinal microflora. You should also keep in mind that you can increase your immunity, it is able to handle just about any pest. For this reason it continually, you will need to follow by the safety features of your body.
Vintage is a way of
For the treatment of parasites, and it occurs for several days. At first, you need to eat only liquid oxygen from the plates. This can be a variety of grains, soups, mashed potatoes, vegetables. To drink it is recommended that the yogurt and kefir. At the end of the day, you have to take the solution to the English language, or, as in the other, called Glauber's salt. For adults, the dose is not more than about 25 to 30 g. the Second day, you need to start with the use of a medicinal product from the seeds of the pumpkin, as well as enema to clean. After this, and after a couple of hours, must also be a solution of epsom salts (for a grown-up enough 40-50 grams). Only after more than two hours, it is permissible to eat it. If you opt for this treatment of the popular tools that the parasites will come out in the periods of 1 to 3 days. The daily recommended that you put in the enema for cleansing.
The milk with the garlic
To get rid of the parasites as possible, with the help of cooking in the milk and garlic. To prepare such a solution to the medical need to take a large head of garlic, clean it up, and pour a glass of milk. Later on, we put the liquid oxygen into the fire and cook until the garlic is soft. Most of the milk is cooled down, filter it and use it for enemas. For a more effective enema place the whole night. For adults, 1 cup of milk for the children, the middle of the volume. It can be made on a daily basis, over a period of 7 days.
The red pepper and carrot
Assets to assist in the elimination of parasites, and there is an urgent need for the chili. But it is to be used primarily for the adults, and then only if there are no contra-indications. The recommended to eat as in the hammer and in the form of fresh. For the children, it is not recommended that you use a hot pepper, and water out of the rice and the carrots. Also, it is a good cause of action against the parasite, and the juices of carrot juice.
The dye on the basis of the nuts
This tool is mainly used for the elimination of intestinal worms and tapeworm. In a cup of boiling water, you need to add 50-60 g of finely shredded greens, walnuts, and half a teaspoon of salt. After that, all the ingredients can be mixed together and allow to infuse for about half an hour. After the allotted time for the oxygen in the liquid filtered, and the take on alternating it with some of the berries are laxative medication during the day.
The tincture of the worm
This is a tool that is made from the in the vodka. The second ingredient may also be replaced by alcohol. For your kitchen you need to prepare for the big sizes of onion (1 pc.) and finely chopped (if you are afraid of her, to grind them, then you can use a blender). The one known as the resultant drift off to sleep on the bottle, and pour in the vodka, or rubbing alcohol. This color should be fermenting for at least 1,5 weeks ago. Only after this time has elapsed, it can be used as an anti-poverty tool. Accept it two times a day, one at a time, or two tablespoons before a meal. For children use half of the onion, which is poured out no vodka (alcohol) and the boiling water. Such an option is infused in the middle of the day, and then filtered, and is taken over by a third of a cup during the day. The course of treatment is 3-4 days.
A tincture of tansy
If you're struggling to find out how to cleanse your body of parasites, it is well worth it to experience one of the most effective, tansy. It has long been known for its transport and properties against the parasite. In addition to the recipes that use dyes rather simple and does not require a great deal of time and resources. In 250 ml of boiling water, you add 3 tablespoons of the plants, and then leave it for about an hour. After this time has elapsed, the dye filtered out, and supported not more than 4 times a day, in the amount of one tablespoon.
The absinthe in the battle of the pests
Wormwood can be used as the sole ingredient, and may be supplemented by other drugs, such as those of the components. In its pure form, it is in need of a 5 g / l of dry herbs of artemisia pour in half a pint of boiling water, then leave it on for half an hour for it to cool down. When the roots start to grow it will become room temperature, you may strain and take 20 ml, three times a day, for 20 minutes. to eat a meal. It is particularly effective for a tool that uses a worm.
No less effective tool, based on the dry herbs of the planet and the seeds of the pumpkin. The last shall be first crushed, after which they are the same as the number of access to the collection there. The more ingredients that you will need to pour the vodka in a proportion of 1 part grass seed to 2 parts of alcohol. As a result, the tank filled with brandy, closes, and is released in a week, specially prepared for the heat and the dark. Accept it or abortion in the second trimester the size of a half-hour before a meal, twice a day. For the duration of the course of treatment, the complete solution of the problem. If the situation is too much to start, which can take up to two weeks.
The seeds of the pumpkin
The Folk doctors recommend this product is the most effective on the fight, with a clear view of the parasites. Seeds collected and cleaned from the shell. You must make sure in which it remained in its green shell. After the addition, the peeled seeds were crushed with the help of a mortar and pestle. The powder resulting from it can be pour over a comfortable capacity. For the face, and stir gently, gradually adding a spoonful of the tea in 65 ml.of water.
Adults can take the drug as it is received. For your kids, you can add a bit of honey or sweet to enhance the taste characteristics). Throughout the volume, it's over, you have to drink it an hour of a teaspoon. After that, after three hours, you should be drinking sulphur. For adults, the recommended dosage is 10 to 30 grams in half a cup of warm water, and, in children, the dosage is calculated on the basis of age is 1 g for 1 year)..
The best medicine against parasites
The majority of the people are facing the problem of pest infestation in the search for answers to questions about treatment on the internet. In fact, it is not possible to choose the best of the parasite in the body of a man, all alone, without a diagnosis in the laboratory. Each one of the medical drugs include, in its unique composition of components that operate in very different ways in the various worms. If you choose medication, it is important for the diagnosis phase and in the form of the disease, the clinical presentation of the symptoms, and the individual characteristics of the human body.
They are parasites in a very real threat?
For the doctors, the parasite is considered to be any of the micro-organisms which feed, and are at the expense of others. This can be in the open air of a pest, or internal parasites, which live in the internal organs and systems of the human. Today, medicine stands at approximately 250 species of pests, who, as the master of the choose a person. Each and every one of them chooses a particular habitat, where it is harmful to human health.
What are the effects that have been observed in humans due to the break-in:
- disorders of the GASTROINTESTINAL system;
- causeless to allergic reactions;
- the asthenia, fatigue, and constant;
- a sudden attack of suffocating cough;
- in the blood there are a large number of eosinophils;
- suffering of the nervous system, causing sleep disturbances, depression, and the failures of a state of mind, and Dr.
In addition, the person may be suffering from anemia, a poor, fragile skin, loss of appetite, it can raise the temperature, but also to lose weight. And it is only through timely diagnosis, and the attending physician may choose the best way to destroy the enemy base.
As the parasites enter into the body.
To get worms in a variety of ways, it all depends on what kind of worm it is. In medicine, we highlight some of the main forms of the infection:
- Contaminated water and food . At times, it can become infected by the contamination during the process of cooking or preserving, and that, at times, to contribute to the family. At times, the source of the infection, it can be previously contaminated with natural focal length of the shape of the food the man prepared himself, and has not submitted enough of the heat treatment. This is the most common fish for carp, meat, pork, beef, poultry, meat and game.
- Contact plyfit household, and the communication between people , which is already an hiv-infected person transmits the infection to the healthy with the objects and events of the day. Often times, people with the infection will become non-smoking.
- There is a third form of the infection — transmitted by the vectors and , as a result of which the man of the helminths of insects hematófagos.
There are these kinds of pests, which is enough to get into the skin of a man, biting him to sneak into the inside of the body. An example of a bright — day of the daemon, as a result of this pathogen, the person is subject to illness, dermatobia.
Prevention is the best cure against the parasites
For anyone that clear make sure the requirements of the protection against the parasites. No plague shall not be able to penetrate into the interior of the body:
- To comply with the rules of personal hygiene and sanitation. In other words, when walking down the street, the contact with the animal, using the toilet and before eating food, wash your hands with soap and water. The food should be washed in boiled water. Clear the room you need with regular application of a disinfectant.
- Carefully, the cooking of meat and fish, and purchase these products only proven and reliable, point. The meat is cut into bite-sized pieces, gently pan-fried, or boiled according to your giving instructions. The best of such products before you start to cook, frost, in a more in-depth way within the next few days.
- If you have pets in the house, each and every month, it is necessary to carry out the prevention of intestinal worms. The pet are regularly to show the vet.
- Washing your hands will, necessarily, need to with soap and water after coming in contact with the ground, as well as many different types of pests that fall to the ground, and the grass and waiting for a new owner.
- The primary measure for prevention of helminthiasis — to-clean water. It is prohibited to use water from the tap, it needs to boil, boil, and filter, special equipment.
The add-ons that help you
To be effective in combat, you can make a variety of nutritional supplements, which, thanks to its composition, if it would make a good alternative for folk medicine, show in the best possible results. The main advantage of each of these funds is that they suggest that it is an absolutely natural composition, free from impurities and chemicals. Therefore, in the treatment of Badami is temperate, due to the lack of side-effects and contra-indications.
In the selection of dietary supplements, it is best to consult with your doctor, you may be able to see all the options to be effective.
A mixed-treatment
Any of the helminth infections, the disease is considered to be in the system, as it can lead to violations of a range of resources and damage to the internal organs. Therefore, the proper course of treatment should be gradual and should include not only the immediate, about the drugs, but also all of the ways to alleviate the symptoms of the disease and the recovery of the body. The Parasitologists and infectious disease is advised to the patients for treatment at the outpatient clinic of the drugs used in conjunction with other media and forms. For the treatment of helminthiasis can include them.
- The front desk is a anti-histamine of the tools and all the comforts you with the transport properties and, to the day of his retirement from an allergic reaction.
- The reception of the enzymes, and probiotics to restore the GASTROINTESTINAL system
- About therapy and medication and ways of folk medicine.
- The application of the income from the use of traditional medicine to restore the body's defenses, as well as the reception of the vitamin.
Only in the complexo da maré, it is mixed, treated against parasites is going to help you quickly destroy the enemy, take them out of the body, and to restore all the functions of the internal organs and systems.